
SAPUNOTEKA from Sibenik is relatively a small company. Its products are based on a high quality natural ingredients such as shea butter, olive, sesame and other essential oils, and as well excellent combinations of them all.

The greatest part of our assortiment are soaps, creams, balsams, lotions and oils. We would like to emphasize the products for mans face and beard care.

The packages have recognizable design and have been made of cardboard. The ecological and the aluminum packages for the creams and the lotions are considered to be the best because they preserve the ingredients, prevent oxidation and a loss of a quality, and are easily processed in distinction from ubiquitous plastics.

Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura
Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura
Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura
Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura
Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura
Sapunoteka  - Ars Natura